Thursday, June 13, 2024

It is all makes sense now...

 i always wondered why the pregnant women always fall inside the "weak category" which means, they are susceptible to diseases, infection etc etc...even during covid era, those pregnant women + the children + the golden age veteran + the immunocompromised people were categorize together as group whose condition much worse if they caught covid and they were advised to take extra precaution.

i always think it was because of the baby inside...u know, mother needs to protect her foetus from catching the germ so the mother needs to take extra precaution..turns out i was wrong..its not because of the baby, but because during those pregnancy's journey, the mother's immunity dropped so low she would be like a baby herself if she got caught with disease 😩  how do i know this? yup, i experienced this myself 😭 im pregnant now btw 😁 its been 9 weeks 

so...during the end of may 2024, danish caught a flu and cough, luckily no fever...he was sick for 1 week before the cough subsided...and then i was infected by the same flu i think...i got really heavy thick mucus coming out of me, preventing my beauty sleep at night, and then 2 3 days later i was coughing danish recovered 1 week from this yeah..supposedly i can recover in 3 days usually, but this took me nearly 3 weeks to fully recover 😣 the heck? it was a consistent heavy mucus + cough for 1 week, the second weeks was no more mucus, but rather dry cough which if i persist, my lungs could be totally cough out if i want to be better, followed by another 3rd week the remaining of the dry the end of the second week i meet a doctor because why why whyyyy do i suffer too long from simple flu and cough? then the doctor said, its normal, im pregnant, my immunity is low.... soooo...yeah thats how i found out pregnant women are weak af

its been 3 weeks we slept without air cond, because if we did, i'd be coughing like mad...with the wheezing and all..yeah, felt like im dying....

and then this week, i dunno wat i ate on sunday, i woke up at 3am on monday with very painful 6am, i cirit so poisoning, im sure i had food poisoning before, cuz the pain is similar..somehow, this time, i cannot tolerate the pain 😭😭😭 its too painful, my stomach felt like its going to explode...the cirit is not yet better, im still cirit till today, only not severe....the stomach pain kept on messing up with me every few pain threshold is so low now even a mild food poisoning kept me awake at night 😪

i need to take care myself better this time....cus this no covid era, no one using mask anymore compared to when i was having danish, there were mask everywhere and movements were is so different now...i hope no other illness befall me please...i weak af now 😢