Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Kau ni....b&^%h ke..?


Account department....

Sebut ja account dept, ko mesti kagum...why? because sejak ak keja AM ni, semua account exec ak jumpa, semua segak2, cantik2, pandai dan hebat...mantoppp yeee...tabik spring dekat diorg...

hod acc mesti garang, dia minta apa, ko mesti kasi laju sbb org tu garang sgt ko x berani main2 sama beliao..exec2 bawah dia semua pandai2....kalau ko lost, ko tnya diorg..cepat ja diorg bagi solution...padahal problem tu first time counter taw... so acc dept kt AM mmg mantop la....


sekarang ade sorg ni...anak acc bodoh

aku pelik...sejak bila ada acc exec bodo...ak pening....soalan simple gila babi boleh tnya kt ak....ade cust punya acc email, minta inv ka apa ka....then this one acc exec interkom gua and asked "akak, ade nmpk x email sekian2.., ha tu nk buat mcm mna tu?"

wadefish? ko bagi la inv babi...ko tnya ak buat apa..

then ade satu issue pasal inv gak...this cust's acc (lets call her A) was informing that we need to upload sekian2 inv like sekian2 because their system is sekian2....then boleh si acc exec ni balik2 tnya ak, akak cuba kol A tu tnya nk ape... -_- wadefak..this A is acc exec, u r acc exec...shes asking about invoice..your job is to issue INV, so why u asking me to call this A? u call yourself la...pantat - watever the fish..

then another one..because malaysia da nk pakai sistem e-invoice, so our acc execs pun pegi la training..and then one day this acc exec boleh req from me, nk list customer yg aktif...aku da terbangang kt situ..list of active customer pun nk minta gua? ko boleh je cek rekod payment ko for the last 1 - 2 years, sape2 ade bayo itu le yg aktif kan... so xpe la because ak baik ak pun list down la dari dlm sql pegi buka mata satu2 filter everything...if there is one customer yg suda lama x order tp ak x sure is to consider aktif or not, i refer to dylan..and dylan said to just include, ak pun include je la cust to even da 3 4 tahun x order brg..

so after im done, i gave her the lists...and then one moment later she asked me, "kak cust ni pun aktif ke, da 3 tahun xde order pape dgn kita" 😑 babas betholl..ko suruh ak buat list..ak da buat list...kau pegi question list ak...len kali kau sendiri buat list bodo simple tu xpayah nk menyusahkan org...ko sendiri boleh cek cust tu aktif ke ko malas nk buat sbb malas...ko jgn nk soal2 plak..da dylan suh letak ak letak je la...

and then there were so many others la stupid2 items she kept asking me yg mcm eh ak penat la layan ko..awat bodo sgt tah....this acc yg bodo ni only 1 person so far i encounter...yg lain xde lg odo cam dia...haishhh pening

oh ye oh ye bru je teringat lg satu alkisah bodo one of our customer is changing system la, from system A to system B...and this customer is having training on sekian2 date...but unfortunately i cannot join the training because i have appointment with KK to open buku pink so i inform her dat i cannot attend the virtual training but never mind, the acct and the store can join because most important dept for invoicing is acc dia pun said, ala but saya pun cuti gak 2hb tu...ala isk nape ea diorg sebok nk buat training, ala kena join ke.. boleh x diorg tukar training tu hari lain (masa dia ckp mcm ni ak dlm otak da pikir, ko da kenapa? ni training ko ke dia bapak aa nk suh cust tukar2 tarikh training..apa ko ingat ko sorg je ke join training tu) so blablabla bnyk lg la dia merungut x puas ati kenapa da training bagai...but then i said, every cust yg request kita pakai system diorg pun, diorg akan bg training dulu supaya kita tahu nk buat mcm mna...and then i also involved her HOD (hod baru xgarang lgsg) to take part in the bila HOD dia agree tu attend the training bru la dia x bnyk songeh pun 😑

pastu so xpe la, commence la this cust with their new system B..and since i didnt attend the training i had 0 experience la using this system kan...but this system pun bukan 1 cust pakai, other cust pun ade pakai, different system but somehow quite similar je pun....ambil PO, buat ASN atau upload DO, then issue INV..basically the same dia punya concept, u just need to play around je all the button

and so...its mid of the month, kawan tengah gelabah nk issue inv bagai..disuruh nye la ak cepat2 upload SO dlm system B tu ....and then ak pelik la, why sud upload SO? da 2 3 system other cust yg kita pakai, not one pun ade minta kita upload SO because SO is an internal other people have to see pun u punya SO...but this budak beriya iya suh ak upload SO supaya dia boleh proceed issue INV, ak tnya perlu ke upload? dia kata "mcm kena upload sbb sya ade baca manual dia tu suruh sekian sekian blablablah" then i said ok later i go see la how because now im busy tallying amount of PO with other she asked me to do this within this week..i said i try...then she gives love emoji as if encouraging me to gigih mengupload SO

and so after 2 days i go at the system B and see wat sud i do...and i click 1, and then i click 2 PO, and another...and these 3 PO xde pun suruh ak upload SO bodo tu pun...dia suruh ak confirm or reject je the PO 😑 tengok la tengok...bodo x bodo punya instruction...ko ckp ko baca manual dia...ak abis khatam manual dia pun xda jumpa lagi memana perkataan ade mention SO, upload SO apetah lagi...budak bodo ni boleh hentam kromo ckp kt ak upload SO cepat2...ape bodo punya budak...nk menipu x pandai...

kau sendiri x taw system B tu operate macam mana..sebok nk suh ak upload SO...ak confirm reject je pun PO tu...

iskkk sakit la kepala pikir pasal dia..ntah ape lg benda merepak dia nk campak kat aku pasni...