Sunday, April 17, 2011

kamoo kol sayew lg arie ney...sayew suker!!!

kul 10:33 pm 16.04.11 kamoo kol sayew lg.....kamoo kol sbb kamoo tertido smlm time mesej ngan sayew kn...xpe sayew tawu kamoo tido da time tue, kamoo kan penat, isk kecian kat kamoo sbb penat tggu reply sayew..sori lar time tue sayew asyik maen ym smpai x sedar adew text kamoo masuk...hihi pastu boley lak kamoo kol sbb nak mintak maap :P patot nyew sayew yg mintak maap kat kamoo...

tp kn sayew suka lar bila kamoo kol...sora kamoo boley thn gak...not bad lar...pastu kamoo try nak cakap bnyk, padahal kamoo ney jenis yg pendiam...mekaceh, kamoo mesti xmo buat sayew bosan kan...haha best best!! suker bila kamoo kol n kamoo ckp keje sayew just dengar jew ape kamoo nak ckp, sbb sayew nk ckp pown sayew tataw nk cakap apew hahaha

k lar...tataw nk kta apew lg ney, hihi i'm just happy that u called me eventhough u don't hve that much credit...i really appreciate it n i luv it so much...n of koz i luv u too hahahaha (dowh malu ak buat pengakuan branie mati serta memualkn ini...apakah yg tlah terjadik padaku??)

the lessons are :-
~ i sud lower my voice lar...i think my voice a bit louder, can't control it though, we r that kind of family that talk loudly kihkihkih
~ len kali jgn dok ngaku tngah dok sorg2, nti dier suro nyanyi camner?? huhu da la ngah utang lagu ngan dier skrg ney (walopun ak pura2 x approve kehkehkeh)
~ i think i sud call him too, but what if he's busy?? hmm..nti2 lar, malas nak pikir tang ney

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